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75% of women will have at least one vaginal infection throughout their lives. The best way to detect infections is by observing your vaginal discharge. Normal discharge serves to keep vaginal tissues healthy and lubricated.

But how do you know something is wrong with your discharge? If you see abnormal colors, smells, or quantities, then this may be leucorrhoea. Ayurherbs has natural treatment strategies for this condition; continue reading to learn more.

What Is Leucorrhoea?

Leucorrhoea is a discharge from the vagina that is white, yellow, or green. Vaginal discharge is common before menstruation and during sexual stimulation. This discharge is typical for lubricating the vaginal canal.

If the discharge has an abnormal odor and causes irritation, then there’s a problem. Leucorrhoea may also be a sign of various gynecological problems and can even lead to infertility. As a result, it requires prompt assessment and treatment.

What Are the Different Types of Leucorrhoea?

The two types of leucorrhoea are physiological and inflammatory. Physiological leucorrhoea is harmless, but inflammatory and requires treatment.


This type of leucorrhoea affects the majority of women. It is a natural defense mechanism to preserve the vaginal pH and the tissue’s elasticity. The discharge is usually thin, transparent, odorless, and increases as your period approaches.


This type of leucorrhoea is painful and often leads to edema. The discharge is usually yellow or green and comes with an unpleasant odor, which is a sure sign of an infection. This condition requires a trip to the doctor’s office for the proper treatment.

What Causes Leucorrhoea?

The most frequent causes of leucorrhoea are:

  • Bacteria or fungi infections
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
  • Mechanical irritation caused by intrauterine devices
  • Excessive consumption of tea, coffee, and fast food
  • Mental stress
  • Anemia
  • Tuberculosis

What Are the Symptoms of Leucorrhoea

The most common symptoms in patients with leucorrhoea are:

  • Yellow or curd-like vaginal secretions
  • Obnoxious odor
  • Painful urination
  • Vaginal hemorrhage
  • Lower abdominal pain
  • Vaginal itching and irritation
  • Fever

How To Treat Leucorrhoea Naturally

There are a variety of natural treatment options that can alleviate the discomfort and irritation associated with leucorrhoea. Here are some alternative treatments to try.


Leucorrhea is caused by a Kapha dosha imbalance. Asoka is effective against leucorrhea due to its Kashaya (astringent) virtue. It aids in the management of exacerbated Kapha and alleviates leucorrhea symptoms.

Boil the bark of the Ashoka tree in water until it shrinks to one-fourth of its original volume. Strain the liquid and keep it in a bottle as Ashoka kwath. Take between 8 and 10 teaspoons of Ashoka kwath, and add the same amount of water and consume it throughout the day, especially after lunch and supper, to control leucorrhea.


Chandana is also called sandalwood herb that has both antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps prevent potential vaginal infection and skin inflammation that comes with Leucorrhea.


Musta ensure your strength and stamina to maintain healthy genitals. It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities make it an excellent choice for women’s health problems. You prepare this by mixing it with an equal quantity of water and consume after a meal.


Sariva, also known as Anantmoola or Indian Sarsapilla, balances the three Doshas and is extensively utilized for its blood purifying and anti-inflammatory properties in skin and rheumatic diseases. Its cleansing effect extends to the neurological system, aiding in the elimination of bad emotions and is beneficial in the treatment of nerve diseases.

Additionally, it cleanses and detoxifies breast milk. It is helpful in bleeding diseases such as menorrhagia due to its cooling action. It also purifies the urinary and genital system by eradicating infection and irritation

Fenugreek Seed

Fenugreek seeds help soothe the vaginal skin and mucous membranes. These seeds reduce inflammation, edema, and discomfort.

All you have to do is cook three tablespoons of fenugreek seeds for about thirty minutes in one liter of water. Then strain and chill the water and consume it to treat leucorrhoea.

Coriander Seeds

Soak dry coriander seeds overnight in 100 ml of water. Then consume the mixture the next day on an empty stomach. This process eliminates toxins from the body and maintains your vaginal health.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera contains 98.5 percent water, while the remaining percentage consists of vitamins, enzymes, minerals, organic acids, polysaccharides, and phenolic compounds. These mixtures hydrate the vaginal tissue and maintain the pH. It also tones the uterine tissue and prevents inappropriate fluid flow.


Neem, or Azadirachta indica, is extracted from tree barks or rinds and consumed in conjunction with white cumin seeds. Drinking cow’s milk in the evening with a drop of neem oil helps treat leucorrhoea.

Rice and Water Combo

Leucorrhoea may be subsidies by boiling a half-fistful of rice in approximately one liter of water and then drinking the mixture after it cools. It is also reported that adding jambul seed powder to boiling rice water helps with the disease.

Gooseberry Indiana

The powdered Indian gooseberry or amla is helpful in the treatment of leucorrhoea. Take some powder and combine it with honey or sugar. Amla seeds contain a crystalline form of sugar, known as mishri, which can be consumed orally.

Then, mix this powder into a paste and administered it directly to the vaginal canal. Repeat this procedure twice daily for optimal results.

Lifestyle Tips and Tricks to Treat Leucorrhoea

There are also other ways to try to treat leucorrhoea. Here are a few lifestyle modification strategies to try.


Aerobic exercise helps increase blood circulation and eliminates toxins from the body. It’s also a great way to maintain general health.

Avoid Certain Foods

Avoid spicy, fried, or white flour-based meals. Excessive tea, coffee, and wine are also not recommended. Avoid canned foods in favor of fresh, nutritious foods such as vegetables and fruits.

Avoid Irritants

Avoid wearing deodorants, sprays, and synthetic clothing while receiving therapy for leucorrhoea. These irritants can make matters worse.

Where Can You Get Ayurveda Treatment for Leucorrhoea?

If leucorrhoea is left untreated, it can be a nightmare. This condition can lead to infertility, embarrassing odor, and constant irritation. Fortunately, there are amazing Ayurvedic herbs and remedies, such as Panchakarma, Shatavari, Asoka, and Khadara, that can help treat leucorrhoea.

If you are interested in learning more about these remedies, contact us for more information.

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