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More than fifteen thousand Australians suffer from Spinal Cord injuries. Around 80% of those injured are male, with 25-34-year-olds in the majority.

Spinal Cord Compression forms a significant part of these injuries and can be debilitating.

The good news is that there is hope for spinal cord compression treatment and regaining a full and healthy life. A quality Ayurvedic treatment program can help treat the underlying disorders and balance your mind and body for optimal wellness.

Here is a breakdown of this disease, why Ayurveda can help, and recommended Ayurvedic tips for treatment.

Causes of Spinal Cord Compression

There are many reasons why you may develop central spinal cord compression. Some of these are environmental, while external factors bring others on.


One of the leading causes of spinal cord compression is something that every human experiences at some point – age! As we grow older, it’s natural for wear and tear to occur on the spine. This is known as osteoarthritis.

People who develop osteoarthritis are often older than 50 years old, though there are cases in much younger people.

Abnormal Spine Alignment

Commonly known as Scoliosis, this is a sideways curve of the spine. It’s most often diagnosed during adolescent years but can occur earlier. Typically, most cases are mild, but some worsen as you grow older.

Spinal Tumour

Just as it sounds, a spinal tumour is a growth that occurs inside your spinal canal or in the bones of your spine. This can also take the form of an intradural tumour, which starts inside the spinal cord itself or the covering known as the dura.


Commonly caused by bacteria or fungus, spinal infections can cause spinal cord compression in both the young and old. Most often, infections are caused by staphylococcus or streptococcus bacteria.

If you have other chronic conditions, you are more susceptible to infection as well.

Symptoms of Spinal Cord Compression

Let’s take a look at some of the common symptoms of spinal cord compression. These symptoms are divided into common and serious. If you exhibit any of the symptoms on the serious list, you should seek medical attention as quickly as possible.

Serious Symptoms

These are most often caused by pressure on the lumbar area in your lower back. Known as cauda equina syndrome, any of these symptoms would usually indicate a trip to the emergency room.

  • Severe numbness between legs, back of legs or inner thighs
  • Severe pain or weakness in your legs that makes it hard to walk or get out of a chair
  • Loss of control in your bowels or bladder

Common Symptoms

  • Pain and stiffness, often in the neck or back
  • Burning pain that you can feel spreading to your arms, buttocks or legs
  • Numbness and cramps in your arms, legs or hands
  • Sensation loss in your feet
  • Having problems coordinating your hands
  • Weakness in your foot that causes a limp
  • Loss of sexual ability

If you have any of these symptoms, you may be suffering from spinal cord compression and could benefit from proper Ayurvedic Treatments.

List of Ayurvedic Treatments

The primary focus of Ayurvedic Treatments is to prevent further disease. Therefore, all Ayurvedic Treatments offered at Ayurherbs are designed to approach your health and wellness holistically.


This 60-minute consultation helps you discover your Ayurvedic body type and advice on lifestyle management and the prescription of particular herbs.

The consultation will cover education about the various doshas, yoga asanas and principles of Ayurvedic treatment.

Abhyanga Ayurvedic Massage

Feel your stress and tension melt away as an Ayurveda massage therapist works on your body, mind and spirit.

Based on ancient Indian principles, the Abhyanga Ayurvedic Massage carefully releases tension from your muscles and can help with increased circulation, relieve spinal cord compression and release anxiety.

Shirodhara Massage

From Sanskrit, Shirodhara (Shiro + Dhara) means to pour liquid on specific parts of the body.

This profoundly relaxing technique has a balancing effect and can provide great relief for the symptoms of spinal cord compression.

The session typically lasts between 30 and 60 minutes, during which a liquid, carefully chosen according to body type, is continuously poured on the forehead.


Panchakarma consists of five separate steps to cleanse and renew your mind, body and spirit.

You can expect to learn about the following five stages during your treatment and experience the first four.


Vamana is done in the early morning on an empty stomach. First, you will drink an emetic herbal preparation that helps to expel spoiled Kapha doshas.


Virechana involves expelling toxins from sweat glands, blood, and the gastrointestinal tract. This treatment is a herbal laxative preparation.


Vasthi uses medicated enemas to remove toxins and help prevent disease. Vasthi can be especially useful in the treatment of rheumatic or Vata diseases.


Applying medicated oil and powder inside the nose clears airways and can relieve discomfort in your head and neck.


This bloodletting treatment is not commonly used. It refers to bloodletting and does not typically form part of modern Ayurvedic treatment.

The Benefits of Ayurvedic Treatment

There are many potential benefits of Ayurvedic Treatment. However, when looking at treatments and their benefits, it is important to keep in mind the holistic nature of Ayurveda and that several steps are required to maintain your wellness.

Reduce Inflammation

As we discussed earlier, inflammation can be one of the causes of spinal cord compression. If you do not eat well, do not sleep well, and are highly stressed, you are more likely to develop inflammation.

Ayurveda teaches you to eat according to your dosha type, bringing strength to your digestive system. Other treatments reduce stress and muscle fatigue, leading to a healthier spine.

Some treatments deal directly with the symptoms of spinal cord compression, such as back pain, while others focus on the holistic causes.

Reduced Symptoms of Illness and Diseases

As we mentioned earlier, infection is a common cause of spinal cord compression and can be fought off by a well-functioning immune system.

Want To Say Goodbye to Spinal Compression?

Spinal cord compression is something that can seem like it’s too big to tackle. However, there is hope with the help of our experts and Ayurvedic treatments.

Don’t delay. Book an appointment now and see how Ayurveda can help you to help yourself.

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