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A recent study showed that 71% of women suffer from painful periods. Of those women, 20% suffer from menstrual cramps so painful they interfere with daily activity. If you experience period pain, you are not alone.

Though menstrual pain is common, this condition known as Dysmenorrhea can cause havoc on your everyday life with pain so severe you can’t meet your responsibilities. Are there ways to mitigate the symptoms?

There are! If you’re one of the many women who suffer from severe menstrual cramping and pain, read on to learn how a natural remedy like Ayurveda can alleviate your pain.

Why is Menstruation Painful?

You know the signs of your period, and you know what to expect once it arrives. Some experience mild cramping and other discomforts like lower back pain. Others expect cramps so severe they can’t get out of bed.

Throughout your menstrual cycle, your body prepares to host an embryo. When your eggs aren’t fertilized, your uterus sheds the old lining and eggs and replaces them with a fresh lining meant to host a fertilized egg.

When you experience pain during menstruation, your muscles constrict and relax to push that old uterus lining from your body.

Doctors don’t understand why some women experience painful period symptoms and some do not.

Some factors that contribute to painful menstruation are heavy blood flow, having your first child, and being under the age of 20.

Another contributing factor to menstrual pain is the use of daily birth control.

Common Dysmenorrhea Treatment

In a perfect world, you’d get a pass for these painful period days. Unfortunately, the world isn’t perfect. The kids need breakfast, you have an important meeting, your boss has deadlines.

Then there are all the other minor tasks involved with day to day living. You can’t afford to lie in bed all morning even if you want to. Seeking relief, many women turn to these common treatments.

Pain Medication

There are many common ways women relieve their pain. Over-the-counter pain medications like aspirin and ibuprofen are a go-to for so many.

The problem with these over the counter pain medications is that they relieve the pain but don’t solve the problem. Month after month, the pain returns. Some months worse than others.

While these OTC pain relievers offer short-term relief, habitual use can lead to serious health complications. Habitual long-term use of these drugs can increase your risk for blood clots, stomach ulcers, and strokes.

Birth Control

Doctors often recommend a form of birth control for women who experience painful period symptoms. Hormonal birth control eases period pain by blocking your body’s prostaglandin production.

Prostaglandins in your uterus trigger the constricting response that causes cramping. If your body doesn’t produce prostaglandins, your uterus stops constricting.

Many women find that hormonal birth control stops their periods completely. For some, this is a welcome relief. Though others may be wary of interfering with the body’s natural cycles.

Hormonal birth control also has side effects. Many women see an increase in migraine headaches, depression, and other mood fluctuations. Decreased sex drive is also a side effect associated with hormonal birth control.

Ayurveda Holistic Treatment

If you’ve sought relief in Western medicine for your painful menstruation, you know they can lack long-term solutions. If NSAIDs aren’t effective, you need to explore alternative remedies.

Ayurveda is a holistic, Indian medical practice that focuses on the balance of mind, body, and spirit. Doctors who practice this medicine believe the human being consists of five elements: earth, water, fire, air, and ether.

Natural treatment of menstrual cramps through Ayurveda is done through an herbal cleansing process, Panchakarma.

Preparation for Panchakarma

To prepare for Panchakarma, you will receive specific preparation instructions. During this preparation period, it’s advised you do as little work as possible and rest frequently.

There are three stages of preparation for Panchakarma. They are Virechana, Snehana, and Abhyanga.


Snehana is an internal Oleation meant to lubricate your insides and start the detox process.

The consumption of this oil and ghee concentrates the toxins within your internal organs and flushes them out of your body.

Your practitioner will give you consumption instructions for how much oil or ghee to consume during this time period.


Once you complete Snehana, you’ll receive Abhyanga. Abhyanga is a traditional, warm oil massage meant to release the toxins from your lymphatic system.

Traditionally performed with warm herbal oil, this massage is administered by an Ayurveda professional. It is an external Oleation meant to compliment Snehana’s internal Oleation.


Virechana involves consuming special herbs and substances that induce purging. In this way, virechana directly rids the body of toxins and harmful contaminants. Virechana cleans nearly every major organ system throughout the body, including the stomach, colon, kidneys, and bloodstream.

The Next Steps of Panchakarma

After your herbal cleanse and detox, your Ayurveda practitioner will prescribe a combination of herbs to address your symptoms. Some of the herbs might include:

  • Asoka: Asoka comes from the bark of the Asoka tree found in the eastern Himalayas. Its name translates to, “Without sorrow.” This herb promotes healthy, regular menstruation.
  • Kumari: Kumari is the Sanskrit term for Aloe Vera. This herb promotes natural blood-thinning and hemorrhoid healing. It also induces ovulation and helps induce menstruation.
  • Satavari: This is an Adaptogenic herb from the asparagus family. It reduces inflammation and promotes emotional well-being.
  • Yeshtimadu: This is licorice. Licorice contains phytoestrogens that help boost estrogen in your body. A mild estrogen boost regulates pre-menstrual symptoms like irritability and bloating.

An important step in your Ayurveda treatment is focusing on your diet and well-being. Your ayurvedic doctor will provide specific dietary instructions meant to heal your body.

This diet often promotes fruits, vegetables, and eliminating alcohol and red meat. Though diet alone will not cure your menstrual cramp pain, it will help you ease or eliminate future symptoms.

Heal Menstrual Cramps with Ayurveda

Western medicine gives the world wonderful advances. It does not always offer holistic treatment.

Natural alternative remedies like Ayurveda supplements traditional western medicine with a focus on how your mind, body, and spirit work together.

Treating menstrual cramps naturally with Ayurveda might be a new dawn of a healthy, mindful lifestyle.

To begin your journey and ease your pain, contact us today for a free consultation.

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