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Women have been experiencing menopause for thousands of years. This natural change in our bodies is expected as we age. Although menopause is something all women go through, it’s difficult to understand until each woman goes through it herself.

Menopause can be viewed as an end of youth, or it can be seen and embraced as a rite of passage into the wisdom and reverence of old age. We can look upon it as a curse and mourn our lost reproductive years, or we can view it in a positive light as something hard-earned over our many years on earth.

No matter how you feel about going through menopause, it will come. With it, many women experience emotional and physical symptoms that they may wish to reduce or relieve.

Ayurveda has been around for thousands of years, too. This ancient medical practice has been treating men and women for at least the last five centuries. Millions of women have consulted Ayurveda for relief from menopause symptoms during that time.

Many women experience such vast results from ayurvedic therapies and treatments they may soon feel that they have discovered a menopause miracle. Read on to learn more about the many ayurvedic treatments suggested for menopause symptoms, and get some relief yourself.

What is Menopause?

Menopause is the natural process through which women’s menstrual cycles come to an end. This can happen in one’s forties, but it most commonly occurs when a woman is in her fifties. It is diagnosed when a woman has not had a menstrual period for a full year.

This change marks the end of a woman’s fertility. Because of this, hormonal levels change, and this can result in a number of physical symptoms. Furthermore, these hormones can further exacerbate emotions a woman may have about putting her childbearing years behind her.

Although menopause is over when a woman’s cycle comes to a complete stop, the transition leading up to that point can take many years. On average, the menopausal transition takes between seven and fourteen years, and women may experience a variety of symptoms during that entire time.

Menopause Symptoms

Menopause symptoms can vary from woman to woman and case to case. Some women may only experience one or two symptoms and they may be mild or occasional. Others might get all of them, and they may be very intense.

Women going through menopause may experience hot flashes and night sweats, and they may have trouble sleeping. It’s possible that they will feel uncomfortable vaginal dryness, and they may suffer from headaches as well. Emotionally, women in menopause may experience mood swings and they may have trouble focusing on important tasks. Furthermore, they may gain weight, lose hair, or grow new hair, and breasts may droop, too.

All of these symptoms may cause sensitivity about appearance and some women in their menopausal transition even find themselves crying about these changes. It’s no wonder that women seek relief from these symptoms.

Ayurveda: The Menopause Miracle

Fortunately, ayurvedic practitioners have worked hard to determine what menopause treatments can be used to help women through this transition. There are many ayurvedic medicines and treatments that can offer a reduction of these intense symptoms.

Ayurveda recognizes that each person’s personality and physical makeup is based on his or her dosha. There are three doshas – Pitta, Vata, and Kapha. Keeping one’s dosha properly balanced is crucial to overall mental, emotional, and physical health.

When a woman goes through menopause, her dosha will most certainly get out of balance and it must be set right. Furthermore, this life change itself is a movement from the Pitta to the Vata stages of life, and this transition can upset the order of things as well.

Ayurvedic treatments seek to set the balance right, and in doing so, will offer relief to the woman as she transitions – a true menopause miracle.

Importance of Panchakarma in Menopause

Panchakarma is a multi-step, mind-body rejuvenation treatment in Ayurveda. If you are going through menopause and are able to participate in a full panchakarma, do so. Otherwise, its inclusion in this practice is a reminder that self-care is really paramount during this time.

There are several panchakarma practices that can make a big difference for women in menopause.


Abyanga involves massage of the body with warm herb-infused oils that are mixed based on a person’s needs and dosha. It helps with sleep, nervousness, muscular tension, and relaxation.


This treatment is the gentle pouring of oils over the forehead. It counteracts stress, reduces anxiety, improves sleep quality, and helps to pacify the Vata dosha.


Verechana is a treatment that cleanses the small intestines, liver, gall bladder, and pancreas and works to reduce excess Pitta energy. It is achieved through the ingestion of purgative substances such as castor oil, prunes, flaxseeds, raisins, bran, aloe vera, salt, and other similar foods.


This treatment works to lubricate sensitive nasal tissues with oil. Just a few drops of an herbal oil are sniffed by the patient and this helps with dryness.

Importance of Herbs

In addition to panchakarma practices, there are a number of herbs commonly used in Ayurveda that can provide much relief for women going through menopause.


This tree bark works well to help with uterine pain. It strengthens the muscles of this organ and in turn, reduces strain and pain.


Asparagus racemosus (shatavari) helps with hot flashes and night sweats. It also aids in reducing anxiety and in supporting and encouraging libido.


When used in tea and consumed, licorice can also help to decrease the frequency and intensity of hot flashes. It also has estrogen-like effects that can help women with their transition, as natural estrogen declines.

Coriander & Fennel

These two herbs used together create yet another concoction to help reduce hot flashes. If you have trouble sleeping and night sweats, try a cold infusion.


Also known as nut grass, this plant helps with congestion in the reproductive system – something we certainly experience during menopause.


Amla berry is a great substance that also aids in the relief of a number of menopausal symptoms.

Importance of Diet in Menopause

Everything we eat has an effect on our doshas. It is therefore extremely important to be aware of this during menopause. To support bone health, natural foods rich in calcium like milk, leafy greens, and seafood are important. In order to keep menopausal emotions at bay, women should be careful to avoid refined sugar, spicy food, and alcohol during this time.

Importance of Lifestyle Changes in Menopause

As the body slows down during menopause, it’s important for women to take notice and be aware. They may notice a slowdown in their lives in general at this point, but that is not always the case. However, it’s vital that self-care stays at the forefront of the mind during the menopausal transition, and if this stays a focus, then the transition will be much more smooth.

Importance of Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and meditation are important throughout every stage of our lives, but they can be a big help during menopause. Yoga can assist by keeping the body strong and healthy, and the stretching inherent to it can relieve muscle aches. Meditation can help to lessen the anxiety and depression that may come with menopause and can aid in focusing and expanding the mind into our later years.

Ayurveda Consultation

Although it is possible to embrace the benefits of Ayurveda through the application of the treatments described above to some extent independently, to get the best results, it’s crucial that you meet with a professional ayurvedic practitioner for a full consultation. A consultation will enable you to determine your dosha; this will, in turn, allow you to seek treatment specific to it and to fully enjoy the menopause miracle that Ayurveda can provide.

Please contact us to set up an appointment for a consultation. We look forward to meeting you.

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