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herbs for candida
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Ayurvedic medicine is all about working in harmony with nature to return you to a healthy state of being. Treating your candidiasis infection should be no different.

But here’s the thing: some candida strains are resistant to the anti-fungal medications created to treat them. The good news is Ayurvedic herbs for candida can treat a variety of candida strains, even those resistant to antibiotics.

Ready to discover the top natural anti-fungal remedies for approaching thrush the Ayurvedic way? Let’s get started with the very of the anti-fungal herbs on our list.

What Is Candida?

Candidiasis is a yeast infection caused by the fungusCandida. This yeast causes infections of the throat and mouth (AKA thrush), gut, and vagina (AKA a yeast infection). Candida loves moist, warm places, which is why you’ll also find candidiasis infections in infants’ diaper areas.

Causes and Symptoms of Candida

Candida is found in humans. When functioning correctly, candida lives benignly in the mouth, throat, and the rest of the digestive tract. But when you develop a candidiasis infection, it’s because the yeast multiplies.

The cause of candidiasis isn’t clear, but some scientists theorize that candida infections stem from a compromised immune system. They claim that antibiotics or chronic stress weaken the immune system, allowing candidiasis to multiply out of control. In Ayurvedic medicine, the cause of candidiasis is agnimandya (indigestion) and the toxins that accumulate from it.

If you think you might be dealing with thrush, here are some symptoms to look out for:

  • White patches inside the mouth
  • Cottonmouth
  • Redness or soreness in the throat
  • Pain while eating or swallowing
  • Cracked and red corners of the mouth

Vaginal candidiasis causes different symptoms, including itching, soreness, pain during intercourse or while urinating, and abnormal discharge.

Candidiasis in Ayurveda

Traditional Ayurvedic methods recommend diagnosing the health issue before treatment. That means the first line of defence against candida is to identify your dominant doshas. Since candida toxins affect all three doshas, the next step is to treat the infection that’s weakening vatta, pitta, and kapha.

Treatment of Candida in Ayurveda

Ayurvedic treatment for candidiasis is a 5 step process:

  1. Restoration of Agnimandya
  2. Rebuild Ojas
  3. Destroy the Infection
  4. Detoxification
  5. Promoting Immunity

The first step, restoring agnimandya, requires herbs for candida.

Herbs for Candida

The best Ayurvedic herbs for candida are those that stimulate healthy digestive function, act as anti-fungal agents, have antimicrobial properties, and supercharge the immune system. Let’s explore the top herbs to fight candida.


Garlic may be best known for its defence against vampires, but its anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties aren’t too far behind. Garlic has been studied as a treatment for salmonella, E.coli, and, of course, candida.

The best part about using garlic to defend against thrush is that it’s super easy to incorporate it into your diet. Avoid cooking the cloves of garlic, though. Consuming garlic raw in a salad or as a seasoning is most ideal.


Turmeric is an Ayurvedic herb traditionally sourced from Asia. It’s a natural anti-fungal agent against infections like candidiasis. Turmeric also has a strong anti-inflammatory effect on the immune system.


Neem oil is an Ayurvedic and Chinese medicinal herb used to treat a variety of diseases. It does so by absorbing free radicals in the body. Free radicals are unstable atoms, capable of damaging the cells of the body and causing viruses and infections like thrush.

While neem helps your body fight against future infection, you’ll also feel its other benefits, including:

  • Wound healing
  • Anti-inflammation
  • Anti-cancer and anti-diabetic


Nope, asparagus isn’t just a tasty dish to have with dinner. It’s also a traditional Ayurvedic defence against ulcers, dyspepsia, and a variety of candida strains. In fact, a 2009 study found that asparagus roots and tubers are just as powerful as are standard antibiotic medications for thrush.


Native to India, the Guduchi plant is a traditional Ayurvedic herb for stimulating the immune system. Guduchi also helps detoxify the body after candida infection. That’s because this herb improves liver function to excrete toxins faster.

Olive Leaf Extract

Olive leaf extract has anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties. In fact, research into infantile candida infections supports the benefits of olive leaf extract. A 2013 study found that topical application of honey, beeswax, and olive oil treats thrush in infants better than the prescription topical, Nystatin.


So, you’ve cleared up that thrush infection. But you still feel out of balance. What now?

Once you’ve killed the candida yeast causing the infection, you still have work to do. After detoxifying with anti-fungal herbs, you need to boost your immune system. For this, we recommend ashwagandha.

This traditional Ayurvedic tonic has long been used for treating diseases and even restlessness. More importantly, research shows that ashwagandha has immune system-supercharging effects. Ashwagandha may also help fight tumours, neurodegeneration, and even anxiety.


Dried ginger powder is another Ayurvedic herb for candida you can find in your home pantry. This powerful root offers anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and digestive tract-simulating properties. If your kapha dosha is predominately affected by the infection, ginger is an excellent defence against oral thrush.

Triphala Powder

Ayurvedic medicine has long recognized Triphala powder as an excellent immune supercharger. It has antioxidant activity, reducing free radicals and helping reduce and prevent toxin accumulation. Triphala powder is also antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory.

Interestingly, this herb is especially powerful against candida infections of the mouth, gums, and teeth.

Diet and Lifestyle Changes

Herbs for candida are an excellent way to restore Agni, defeat the infection, and detox your body of toxins. But diet and lifestyle changes will help rebuild Ojas and promote immune system health once the infection is gone. Here are the top lifestyle changes to fight future thrush infections:

  • Reduce stress with yoga, Ayurvedic massage, meditation, and a good night’s sleep
  • Exercise frequently to improve immunity
  • Eat a well-rounded and nutritious diet to improve immunity
  • Improve Ojas with deep breathing exercises

Where to Find Ayurvedic Herbs for Candida

If you live in Melbourne and are looking to pick up herbs for candida, the Ayurherbs Ayurveda clinic has everything you need. From massages to medicine, discover all the natural remedies you need. Contact us today to find out more about how we can help you on the path to true health and wellness.



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