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A slipped disc can be excruciating if it isn’t treated properly. There are a number of ways to address back pain, many of which come from modern medicine and different physical therapies.

One method for the treatment of back pain that many aren’t aware of, though, is ayurvedic therapy. We’re going to explore some options for Ayurveda treatment in this article, giving you some ideas on methods to start feeling better.

Hopefully, you’ll be inspired to give one or two of these practices a shot and see if they work for you. Let’s get started:

Ayurvedic Therapy and Back Pain

A slipped or bulging disc comes from an irregularity in your spinal column. The disc is a sort of padding that lies between your vertebrae and allows your back to move smoothly without any friction.

When one of these slips, your vertebrae can start touching, inflaming the area and irritating some of the key nerves in your spine. This experience is often agonizing, and treatment is needed for things to start improving.

You might have caused problems with your discs from lifting something heavy, a car accident, natural ageing, or other factors like smoking or weight gain. Whatever your reason for getting the issue, it’s important to explore all the treatment options available to you.

Let’s explore some ayurvedic options that can help.

1. Abhyanga

Abhyanga involves a deep massage with warm oil. The treatment addresses most of your body and helps to promote the general wellness of your body and mind.

Further, targeting the specific area of note will help to ease the direct pain. Abhyanga can loosen those muscles, reduce your stress, and help your body get in a better position to heal.

2. Potali Sweda

Potali Sweda technically means “bundle of medicinal herbs.” It’s a cloth bundle of cleansing plants that are heated and dipped in oil.

The process cleanses your pores and channels throughout the body in a detoxifying manner. It’s known to benefit nerves and muscles in target areas as well.

3. Vasti Treatment

There are a couple of Vasti oil treatments that could be beneficial to your back. The first is Kati Vasti, which works medicinal oil into your lower back. The oil treatment is concentrated in one specific area, giving it time to seep and enter the tissue.

Lower back problems lead to neck problems as well. Greeva Vasti is a treatment similar to Kati, except using the oil to target areas of the neck.

4. Virechana Treatment

Virechana is the second aspect of Panchakarma, a cleansing technique commonly used in Ayurveda.

This treatment is effective at dealing with any subsequent digestive or stomach issues that might come from your back trouble. When one area of the body gets in trouble, especially a crucial one like the lower back, other areas suffer as well.

One result can be digestive issues. Virechana is an excellent way to cleanse yourself and resolve that element of your pain.

5. Ayurvedic Herbs

There are a number of ayurvedic herbal treatments used to treat pain and nerve issues.

Rasna is a common treatment for people experiencing issues like sciatica, which can be caused by slipped discs. It’s also great at working on inflammation and dealing with constipation and stomach issues.

Guggul is a herbal oil used to deal with issues with weight loss and other issues that could have contributed to your back pain. Eranda, or castor oil, is an option to use to cleanse your stomach if you’re having constipation issues.

Other herbs can be used to target and treat your specific issues. It’s important to note that a lot of these medicines have a holistic effect which allows them to operate in numerous ways. Further, one area of the body that benefits from treatment, when functioning, will benefit other parts of the body that are still suffering.

Understanding Ayurveda Treatment

If you’re still not sure about taking Ayurvedic treatments for your back pain, it might help to give a little background on what these treatments are and how they operate.

Ayurveda is a medicinal system that finds its roots in India somewhere around 3,000 years ago. It translates to “life science” and takes the approach that difficulties with the body aren’t contained to the body.

Instead, trouble in the mind or soul can impact the physical state of the body and vice versa. With that in mind, Ayurveda works to benefit the entire individual so that all blockages and difficulties have the best opportunity to heal.

For example, trouble at work might be bogging your mind down as you try to sleep, spend time with loved ones, or enjoy yourself. That stress could translate into tension, which leads to a pulled muscle. Stress can also cause weight gain, which can lead to slipped or bulging discs.

A treatment that addressed the slipped disc but didn’t identify stress as a root cause would not be complete. Ayurveda seeks to root out those imbalances in life and solve them as well as their physical manifestations.

Medicines in Ayurveda tend to be natural and herbal. They’re also used in combination with practices like meditation and yoga. Both meditation and yoga contain thousands of different disciplines, and those disciplines can be called upon to target specific issues.

What is the Goal?

Of course, your goal should be to address the back pain you’re experiencing. Ideally, though, one issue can serve as an in route to the more significant issues that you’re facing.

Again, the deep-seated problems in life will repeatedly branch out as physical illness and disease. An effective Ayurvedic treatment would have you resolve things in such a way that you exit as a happier, healthier person.

Not only physically, but also mentally and spiritually.

Interested In Learning More?

If you’re interested in learning a little more about Ayurvedic therapy and what it has to offer, you’ve come to the right place. We’re here to help you get more ideas on how to move forward with treatment.

Explore our site for some insight into Ayurveda and the opportunity to try out a practice that you think might work for you.

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