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Postnatal care in Ayurveda

Ayurveda places a great emphasis on the value of caring for the mother prior to, during and following pregnancy. Ayurveda considers woman as the very first teacher of a youngster and every facet of appropriate development of a young child is directly connected to the bodily and mental health of mother.

Ayurveda gives great value to the caliber of the seed (ovum). Even five thousand years ago, Ayurveda had stressed the value of safe motherhood. After delivery the mother needs to be looked after with great care and vigilance. During pregnancy the fetus attains its nourishment from the mother’s body. This makes the seven dhatus of the mother weakened and diminished from the usual state. After delivery the mother’s health becomes weak due to the loss of fluid and blood and the emptiness created in the body after the the expulsion of foetus from the uterus. This phase is called ‘suthika period’- a term derived from the word ‘prasuta’ or the mother after delivery. A special regimen for the mother after delivery is recommended for this period to make good the loss of the fluids, dhatus and blood during the pregnancy and delivery. The proper adherence to this regimen results in faster recuperation and restoration of the health of the mother. Ayurveda says that, after delivery mothers agni, will be low and vata dosha is vitiated immediately after delivery.

Aims of postnatal care

  • Agni deepanam
  • Yoni sodhanam
  • Vata samanam and vata anulomana
  • Stanya jananam

  Diet of a mother after delivery should be very light.Therefore, if you make certain that your diet involves the next Ayurvedic recommendations, you won’t need to be worried about lactation. Moreover, you must have a wholesome diet,because it’s going to be perfect for you and your baby also. Deficiency of appropriate diet could lead to immense fatigue.A balanced diet is critical to publicize your wellbeing and to supply you with the energy you’ll want to watch over your new child. A pure balanced diet is encouraged to a brand-new mother. Thus here to calm the vata which is vitiated, warm oil massages, termed ‘abhyanga’ is practiced in Ayurvedic care particularly for postpartum ladies. Ideally you must continue the massage routine for first 40 days to find maximum advantages. Yoga may also help mothers to lessen anxiety and avert postpartum depression.

Regimen of a mother for 1-7 days after delivery:

Ayurveda massage (abhyanga)- mostly with dhanwantharam thailam
Bath (snanam)- the lady after delivery should take bath twice daily in the morning and in the evening with the water boiled with herbs which are balancing vata dosha
Abdomen should be properly wrapped with big clean cloth
Sneha panam- intake of ghee or oil, which is to be selected based on the custom followed in the women’s’ maternal family. This is because the women’s body gets easily accustomed to the regimen followed in her family.
Dose is based on the strength of agni
Intake of medicated ghee
Diet should be very light immediately after the delivery

From 8th day:

  • The ayurvedic herbs which are sweet in taste, balances vata dosha and jeevaniyam
  • Cooked rice with meat soup can be taken


  • Anxiety, stress
  • Sexual intercouse
  • Cold wind
  • Exercise
  • Panchakarma treatments such as virechana, asthapana vasti and nasya

Medicines that are useful in postnatal period:

  • Dhanwantharam kashayam
  • Vidaryadi kashayam
  • Sukumaram kashayam
  • Dhanwantharam gulika
  • Puli kuzhambu
  • Pancha jeera gulam
  • Dasamoolarishtam
  • Jeerakarishtam
  • Draksharishta
  • Aswagandharishtam
  • Balarishtam
  • Dhanwantaram tailam- for external use to balance vata and pitta, to reduce the pain after delivery
  • Bala thailam- to balance vitiated vata and pitta and to subside the the diseases of a delivered woman
  • Medicated ghee
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