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Herbal tea
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There’s a reason why they say Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori, HP) infections are the most common gut infections in the world. Even in developed countries, H. pylori prevalence runs between 30% and 50%.

H. pylori is a bacterium that infects the stomach lining. If left untreated, an H. pylori stomach infection can have serious consequences. Both duodenal ulcers and peptic ulcer diseases can form as well as superficial gastritis and even gastric cancer.

Fortunately, you can choose herbal treatment for H. pylori bacteria, such as Ayurveda. You’ll use powerful herbs and eat a specific diet to decrease the amount of H. pylori bacteria in your system. Continue reading to learn more about Ayurveda and how it decreases H. pylori bacteria.

More Information About H. Pylori Bacteria

H. pylori bacteria is one of the most common gut infections in the world and affects both developing and developed countries.

It’s highly contagious; most individuals get an HP infection from eating contaminated food, specifically when sharing food. If their saliva contains particles of the bacteria, the other user will get the infection. However, the bacteria is still largely understood and we’re not fully sure how you catch it.

The user doesn’t experience many symptoms aside from inflamed and tender intestines, a chronic and burning pain in the stomach, bloating, and decreased appetite.

If left untreated, an HP infection can cause serious harm and can even turn fatal. We mentioned the bacteria is responsible for most stomach ulcers and even cancer. But an HP infection can also cause poor secretion of stomach acids and your digestion abilities will diminish.

Fortunately, HP infections are easily treatable, but some speculate the infection lasts for life. The bacteria can resurface or come back, so it’s important users receive regular treatments to kill off the bacteria in your stomach.

A natural treatment such as Ayurveda can decrease the number of bacteria in your system while improving your digestion and overall health.

The bacteria was discovered in 1982 by two Australian doctors, Barry Marshall and Robin Warren. They also discovered this bacteria is responsible for 80% of stomach ulcers. This discovery earned them a Nobel Prize in 2005.

How an HP Infection Develops

H. pylori is a powerful bacterium. It can survive the harsh environment of your stomach and will wreak havoc on your stomach in order to survive and colonise.

In order to protect itself, the bacterium burrows into your mucosa. It releases chemicals that degrade the mucus gel structure, liquefying the stomach’s protective mucus layer.  This exposes your gastric tissue to caustic acids, which can lead to ulcers, gastritis, DNA damage, and even cancer.

It also produces an enzyme called urease into its outer membrane. This enzyme breaks down urea — this is bad because urea is needed for digestion. This is why an H. pylori infection also causes loss of stomach function.

When to See a Professional

You should see a professional the minute you suspect you have an H. pylori infection. While not everyone will experience symptoms, here are common H. pylori infection symptoms that people report:

  • Pain or a burning sensation in the abdomen
  • Nausea
  • Bloating
  • Loss of appetite
  • Reflux

Unfortunately, many people are misdiagnosed because HP infection symptoms can signal a variety of different conditions. The only way to know if you have an HP infection is to get a specific test.

Natural H. Pylori Infection Treatment

What if you discover you have an HP infection? If you want to choose a natural option, there are many ways Ayurveda can decrease the bacteria in your stomach and improve your health. Natural treatments are also beneficial because H. pylori bacteria is resistant to bacteria.

One of the most common Ayurvedic treatments in panchakarma. This treatment involves five treatments that cleanse and detox the body. Vasti is especially an effective method; medicated liquids are expelled through the anus to remove toxins in the body.

Ayurveda uses a variety of healing herbs. An example is amalaka. This herb contains large amounts of vitamin C.

This study shows that large amounts of vitamin C intake eradicated the bacteria in 30% of test subjects. However, the link between vitamin C and HP infections is unknown.

Antimicrobials also prevent the growth of the bacteria. In Ayurveda, common antimicrobials used are cinnamon (Twak), ginger (Shunti), oregano, garlic, and turmeric (Haridra). Anti-inflammatory substances are also used to protect your stomach, such as turmeric, barberry, cinnamon, and fresh ginger.

Ginger is especially a protective substance; fresh ginger regenerates the protective mucus layer that the bacteria destroys, protecting you from ulcers and other issues.

Lifestyle is also a major part of Ayurvedic treatment. Certain lifestyle decisions, such as drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes, can irritate your stomach. Your Ayurvedic professional will coach you on healthy lifestyle habits. Common examples include avoiding cigarettes and alcohol, reducing stress, and avoiding spicy food as well as sweets.

Keep in mind, you risk the bacteria returning when you stop your treatments. Always follow your Ayurvedic professional’s advice and never try to eradicate the bacteria on your own.

Even though the HP bacteria is resistant to bacteria, you should always discuss different treatment options with your doctor first.

Herbal Treatment for H. Pylori Bacteria

We mentioned a few of the herbs used in Ayurvedic HP treatment, but here are more and their purpose:

  • Amalaki — antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
  • Neem — anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial
  • Shatavari — anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial
  • Cinnamon (Twak) — anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and digestive aid
  • Vidanga — antimicrobrial
  • Licorice root (Yashtimadhu) — soothes stomach
  • Green tea — reduces HP bacteria adherence to the stomach lining
  • Avipattikar Churna — antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and treats digestive problems
  • Aloe vera (Kumari) — soothes stomach ulcers
  • Indian gooseberry (Amla) — antioxidant, antimicrobial, contains polyphenols that fight against cancer cells
  • Musta — promotes healthy digestion
  • Fennel — aids digestive problems as well as HP infection symptoms such as bloating and loss of appetite

Keep in mind, this isn’t the full list of herbs used in Ayurvedic HP treatment. Your treatment may be modified, depending on many factors.

Treat Your H. Pylori Infection Naturally

An H. pylori bacterial infection is painful and can be dangerous if left untreated. Fortunately, herbal treatment for H. pylori bacteria is a safe and effective option. Ayurveda can decrease the number of bacteria in your stomach as well as improve your stomach and digestive health.

Are you located in Melbourne? Book your appointment today.

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