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Promoting health, wellness, and treatment shouldn’t mean introducing harmful chemicals and drugs into your system. The side effects of certain therapeutic interventions can be even worse than the symptoms of the illness itself!

So when it comes to treating mononucleosis, you should consider taking a different approach. These natural remedies for mono can help boost your immune system and reduce the long-term effects of the illness.

Keep reading to find out more!

The Basic of Mono

Mononucleosis, also known as “mono”, “glandular fever“, or “the kissing disease” is an illness from the Epstein Barr Virus (EBV). This virus is also responsible for cold sores and chickenpox. Needless to say, it’s an unwelcome guest in the human body.

While you can contract mono at any age, it is more common among young people ages 15-24. And luckily, symptoms for young people are generally mild. Symptoms can include severe fatigue, fever, sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes. Mono can also cause a swollen spleen which is harder to detect without visiting a doctor.

The most common treatment for mono is rest and plenty of fluids. Doctors may recommend supplementary pain medication or an anti-inflammatory. Always talk to your doctor before starting a new medication routine.

Typically the most severe mono symptoms last 1-4 weeks. Different people react differently to the illness, particularly when it comes to the severity of fatigue. A person with mono should avoid contact sports or any stressful exercise for at least 2 weeks. A doctor should be consulted before resuming exercise.

Mono is a contagious disease. To avoid the spread of mono, a person should avoid sharing food, beverages, and utensils because the virus can spread via saliva.

The virus stays in the body forever but only in rare cases does it come back years later.  To best handle the short and long term effects of the virus, you can try natural remedies as well.

Natural Remedies for Mono

These seven natural remedies can reduce overall stress in the body thereby boosting immune function. While these are not traditional treatment methods for mono, they can help alleviate symptoms, support recovery, and promote a healthier overall lifestyle.

If you are considering these remedies, talk to a doctor or medical professional first.

1. Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera)

Ashwagandha is a small shrub that grows mostly in India and the Middle East. Medicines and supplements include the root and berry of the plant.

Typically, ashwagandha relieves stress and acts as a general adaptogen. It can also lower blood pressure, relieve stress and anxiety, and reduce inflammation.

Ashwagandha may reduce the physical stress and fatigue from mono and help support mental health at the same time.

2. Guduchi (T. Cordifolia)

Guduchi is a deciduous shrub commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine. This powerful plant has properties used to treat health problems like diabetes, high cholesterol, allergies, gastrointestinal issues, and many others.

Mono patients may use Guduchi as an immunity-boosting agent. It’s typically a powder or paste. The recommended dose is 1 teaspoon twice a day.

3. Pippali (Piper Longum)

Pippali is an ancient herb in the same family as black pepper. Commonly known as long pepper, the pippali plant grows in warm, humid, tropical climates. The fruits, or flowers, of the plant are collected and ground up into herbs.

Pilppali has health and dietary benefits that can aid in recovery from mono. It has been used to alleviate respiratory symptoms, improve circulation, and support the liver. The herb has a powerful aroma and taste which makes it perfect to add to a warm tea or a savory dish. 

4. Sathavari (Asparagus Racemosus)

Sathavari is known as an adaptogenic herb which means that it helps the body handle physical, mental, and emotional stress. During the extended recovery from mono, an herb like sathavari can reduce the overall stress on the body and mind.

This herb even supports women’s reproductive health, including PMS and fertility. So if you are looking for a natural remedy for mono and a way to boost your feminine health, sathavari is just the thing you need. 

Research demonstrates that sathavari has the ability to calm anxious nerves, reduce inflammation, and calm stomach problems. 

5. Kanchanara (Bauhinia Variegata)

Kanchanara Guggulu originates from the Sanskrit language, translating to “protection from the disease”. So it’s no wonder it made it onto our list of natural remedies.

Kanchanara is a bark most often mixed with other ingredients to form tablets or spice mixes. The health benefits are far and wide but when it comes to mono, this herb may alleviate swollen lymph nodes. It can detoxify the liver while improving gut function and absorption of food.

6.Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza Glabra)

Yashtimadhu is often used in Indian medicine as an anti-inflammatory. This plant is part of the peas and legumes family although it looks more like a root.

Supplements and teas with yashtimadhu can reduce inflammation, stress, and symptoms of depression. Its antioxidant properties may also improve respiratory symptoms like coughing or asthma. 

7. Haridra (Curcuma Longa)

You may recognize haridra from its bright yellow color. It is a root used in medicine and in cooking (you may know it as turmeric). As an anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant this powerful plant can help support the immune system as it battles symptoms of mono.

Haridra supports digestion and circulation by removing blocks in the channels and cells. By replenishing the body’s tissues, haridra boosts immunity.

Adding haridra to tea or food will supplement health and nutrition. It has the same benefits when heated as when consumed raw, so it’s very versatile.

Live Well and Thrive

Keeping your body and mind healthy requires diligence. And when you are exposed to a virus, like mono, it’s even more important to make health a priority.

Using natural remedies for mono is a way to enhance your immune system and promote long-term wellness. Consider the options above as complementary and alternative methods to treatment for mono.

And if you want to learn more about holistic healing and wellness, contact us today for more information.

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